Error When Compiling PHP in CentOS 64 Bit

Library files in CentOS 64 bit are stored in the directory /usr/lib64. But in normal 32 bit CentOS, library files are stored in /usr/lib so this causes a problem when trying to compile source code that looks for library files in /usr/lib. When using the default configure options for compiling PHP, the directory /usr/lib is searched for library files so if you have any 64 bit applications installed, their associated library files will not be found. For example, trying to compile PHP with the configure option:


will result in the error:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient

You can fix this MySQL error and other configure errors relating to library files not being found by adding the following option to the configure line:



Zune – Installing Zune 2 Software in Windows XP Professional x64

Update: These instructions still work when installing the recently released Zune 2.5 software.

Microsoft currently does not support Zune software being installed on Windows XP Professional x64. The only 64-bit operating system the software officially supports is Vista 64-bit edition. However there is a hack to get the Zune 2 software to work with Windows XP Pro x64 and the syncing with the Zune device works as well. The instructions for doing this are available on this blog post.

Here is a copy of the instructions which appear on the blog site (without the screenshots):

Continue reading Zune – Installing Zune 2 Software in Windows XP Professional x64