How to Install VMWare Tools in CentOS 5

Install software needed by VMware Tools

1. Install packages to build the kernel modules

yum install gcc kernel-devel

2. Check the running kernel matches the kernel headers

uname -r             # running kernel
rpm -q kernel-devel  # installed kernel headers

3. If the two versions do not match, run

yum -y upgrade kernel kernel-devel

4. Find out where the kernel headers are (you may need this later)

ls -d /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)*/include

Prepare and install VMware Tools

1. From VMware Workstation: go to VM> Install VMware Tools

2. From the VM: mount the virtual cd drive

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/

3. Extract VMware Tools to /tmp/

tar -C /tmp -zxvf /mnt/VMwareTools-5.5.3-34685.tar.gz

4. Unmount the virtual cd drive

umount /mnt

5. Now run the installer

cd /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib

6. When asked Do you want to run, answer “Yes”.

VMWare Infrastructure

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